Thursday, 20 October 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
STORY :: Krishna Prays to Have a Son

॥__ॐॐॐ__ ॥ Jai Shri Krishna ॥__ॐॐॐ__॥
Lord Krishna was consumed with the desire to have a son. So he went to seek the advice of a particular sage. When the sage saw Lord Krishna, he was overwhelmed with joy. Everybody was shouting, “Krishna has come, Krishna has come!” and they all started worshipping Krishna.
The sage asked Krishna, “Please tell me what I can do for you. Is there anything that you would like me to do?”
Krishna answered, “It is a very simple thing that I want. I want to have a son. Please tell me how I can have a son.”
“Only Lord Shiva can help in this matter,” said the sage. “You have to pray to Lord Shiva. First, you must gather one thousand flowers. With these flowers you must worship Lord Shiva for many years. When Lord Shiva is pleased with your worship, you will be granted a son.”
Krishna left the cottage of the sage and entered into seclusion. He put ashes all over his body and clothed himself in the bark of a tree. For years and years he prayed, only to have a glimpse of Lord Shiva and to ask him for a boon.
With her third eye, Parvati saw that Krishna was praying and praying all alone in the heart
of the forest. She said to her husband, “My Lord, what are you doing? Why are you not responding? Lord Krishna has been worshipping you, only you, for so many years.”
“What do you want me to do?” asked Shiva.
“Just go and stand before him,” pleaded Parvati. “As a matter of fact, let us go together.”
Both Parvati and Shiva appeared before Krishna. Shiva said to him, “What are you doing? Why should you, of all people, pray to me? You are Narayana, you are Vishnu, you are the avatar of this era, you pervade everything. Why then are you praying to me?”
Krishna responded, “Lord Shiva, I know that you are the only one who can fulfill my desire.”
“Is there any desire which you yourself cannot fulfill?” asked Shiva.
“I was told that only you can fulfill this particular desire. Therefore, I have come to you,” answered Krishna.
“What is your desire?” asked Shiva.
“I wish to have a son exactly like you,” Krishna said to Shiva. “It has to be exactly like you, otherwise I do not want it.”
Shiva and Parvati both smiled and immediately Shiva granted Krishna the boon. Krishna returned home and, after some time, his wife, Jambavati, bore a son. They named him Samba.
What does it mean to have a son exactly like Shiva? On the one hand, Shiva is always lost in trance. But, on the other hand, Shiva’s function is to destroy. From destruction comes transformation. This boy, Samba, did many unbearable things during his life. Eventually he brought about the total destruction of Krishna’s family. So you can say that Krishna knew that transformation was needed and transformation must be preceded by destruction. That is why he prayed to have a son like Shiva.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
"Bhagavan SreeKrishna - Nithya Brahmachari"
One day Lord Krishna was playing with his queen Rukmani in the banks of
Yamuna. Suddenly Bhagavan told her, "Rukmani, on the other shore of
Yamauna, sage Durwasa has come and he is very hungry. Please prepare
good food and take it to the sage”.
Rukmani immediately prepared a sumptuous food and packed it and came back to the shores of Yamuna. Then she told
her lord, “Lord, The Yamuna is in floods and there is no boat or
boatman in sight. How can poor me, cross this mighty river?”
Krishna replied, “Dear Rukmani, that should not be any problem. Approach
the river and tell the river that the Nitya Brahmachari (perennial
bachelor) has asked her to give way to you. She will surely give you
way”.Rukmani was surprised and asked her Lord, “Lord, who is this Nitya
Brahmachari and why am I not able to see him?”
The Lord replied, "Of course, Rukmani, it is myself”.
Rukmani was surprised. She could not understand how her husband could
call himself, Nitya Brahmachari. Anyway she decided to obey him. She
went near Yamuna and told the river, “River Yamuna, my husband, the
Nitya Brahmachari has asked you to give way to me, so that I can reach
the other shore”.
The river immediately obliged. Rukmani crossed the
Yamuna, met sage Durwasa, saluted him and served him the sumptuous food
that she has brought with her. The Sage liked the food and became very
happy and blessed her.
Then Rukmani told him, “ I am very gratified
by the blessing of the sage like you. Now I have to cross back the
river Yamuna and join my husband. Can you please help me do it?”Sage
Durwasa replied, “Of course Rukmani, that is my pleasure and duty. Go to
the river Yamuna and tell her that the Nitya Upavasi (He who never
takes food) has asked her to give way to you. She will help you”.Rukmani
was taken aback. She thought how this sage who has just had a sumptuous
feast can call himself Nitya Upavasi. She did not bother to ask him,
because he was well known for his short temper. She went near the river
and told her, “River Yamuna, now I have to cross you and reach the other
shore. The Nitya Upavasi has asked you to give way to me”.
river obliged and Rukmani crossed the river and joined her husband. Her
face showed that she was terribly confused. She approached her lord and
told him, “Lord, as per your direction I served good food and crossed
back the river. I told her to give way as per the wishes of Nitya
Upavasi. Strangely she did it”.
Lord Krishna laughingly
replied, “I know Rukmani that you are terribly confused to see me
calling myself as "Nitya Brahmachari" and the sage calling himself as
"Nitya Upavasi" We both were telling only the truth. This is because we
both are realized souls and do not attach ourselves to this ethereal
body of ours. We both know that we are really the souls within this
body. That soul does not marry and does not take food and that is how I
(my soul) am a Brahmachari and Sage Durwasa (his soul) is an Upavasi.
Once you understand this simple truth, you can lead a very contended and
happy life”. .... ............ SreeKrishnarppanamasthu.................... Jay SreeKrishna......
One day Lord Krishna was playing with his queen Rukmani in the banks of Yamuna. Suddenly Bhagavan told her, "Rukmani, on the other shore of Yamauna, sage Durwasa has come and he is very hungry. Please prepare good food and take it to the sage”.
Rukmani immediately prepared a sumptuous food and packed it and came back to the shores of Yamuna. Then she told her lord, “Lord, The Yamuna is in floods and there is no boat or boatman in sight. How can poor me, cross this mighty river?”
Lord Krishna replied, “Dear Rukmani, that should not be any problem. Approach the river and tell the river that the Nitya Brahmachari (perennial bachelor) has asked her to give way to you. She will surely give you way”.Rukmani was surprised and asked her Lord, “Lord, who is this Nitya Brahmachari and why am I not able to see him?”
The Lord replied, "Of course, Rukmani, it is myself”.
Rukmani was surprised. She could not understand how her husband could call himself, Nitya Brahmachari. Anyway she decided to obey him. She went near Yamuna and told the river, “River Yamuna, my husband, the Nitya Brahmachari has asked you to give way to me, so that I can reach the other shore”.
The river immediately obliged. Rukmani crossed the Yamuna, met sage Durwasa, saluted him and served him the sumptuous food that she has brought with her. The Sage liked the food and became very happy and blessed her.
Then Rukmani told him, “ I am very gratified by the blessing of the sage like you. Now I have to cross back the river Yamuna and join my husband. Can you please help me do it?”Sage Durwasa replied, “Of course Rukmani, that is my pleasure and duty. Go to the river Yamuna and tell her that the Nitya Upavasi (He who never takes food) has asked her to give way to you. She will help you”.Rukmani was taken aback. She thought how this sage who has just had a sumptuous feast can call himself Nitya Upavasi. She did not bother to ask him, because he was well known for his short temper. She went near the river and told her, “River Yamuna, now I have to cross you and reach the other shore. The Nitya Upavasi has asked you to give way to me”.
The river obliged and Rukmani crossed the river and joined her husband. Her face showed that she was terribly confused. She approached her lord and told him, “Lord, as per your direction I served good food and crossed back the river. I told her to give way as per the wishes of Nitya Upavasi. Strangely she did it”.
Lord Krishna laughingly replied, “I know Rukmani that you are terribly confused to see me calling myself as "Nitya Brahmachari" and the sage calling himself as "Nitya Upavasi" We both were telling only the truth. This is because we both are realized souls and do not attach ourselves to this ethereal body of ours. We both know that we are really the souls within this body. That soul does not marry and does not take food and that is how I (my soul) am a Brahmachari and Sage Durwasa (his soul) is an Upavasi. Once you understand this simple truth, you can lead a very contended and happy life”. .... ............ SreeKrishnarppanamasthu.......
Hare Krishna! In life we face many difficulties, but when we work hard and do the right thing as per Dharma and Krishna's guidance, then we will always overcome the difficulty and when you look closely you will see Krishna is dancing with you as if it was the Kaliya mardana.. Try listening to your inner conscience - and make it THE channel for your guidance and to have conversation with Krishna. Om Namo Narayanaya:
Yadav caste history & information
Yadav caste history & information Yadav or Yadava is an ethnic caste which traces its descent from Yadu. Yadavas have been mentioned as one of the ancient Vedic panchjanya tribes in ancient Dharmic texts. They mostly follow Vaishnav traditions and Dharmic religion and are located in different parts of India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Traditionally and they are classified under the Kshatriya varna in Hinduism. In Hindu mythology, Yadvas are described as the descendants of Yadu, the eldest son of King Yayati. Yadu and his descendants ruled in places that are referred to in the Hindu scriptures as Jambudvipa. According to Dharmic mythology, Jarasandh, Kansa's father-in-law, and king of Magadha attacked Yadavas to avenge the killing of Kansa which led Yadavas to shift their capital from Mathura to Dwaraka. Abhira, which is considered to be a subgroup of Yadava caste today, is assumed to be different from ancient Yadavas. Linkage is obscure and views vary from scholar to scholar. The term was used for cowherds initially but has been extended to include Yaduvanshis and Nandavanshis too by its corrupt version Ahir. Abhira means "fearless" and appear in most ancient historical references dating back to the Abhira kingdom of the Saraswati Valley, who spoke Abhiri until the Buddhist period. Analysis of Hindu scriptural references of the Abhira kingdoms has led some scholars to conclude that it was merely a term used for Holy Yadava Kingdoms. In Bhagavatam, the Gupta dynasty has been called Abhir. Some historians also seek a connection between Yadavas and Jews. According to their theory, the Greeks were referred to the Jews as Judeos, or Jah deos or Yadavas, meaning people of Ya. Yadav as an Ethnic Category Yadava is a category consisting of several allied castes which together constitute about one-tenth of the total population of India. The castes coming under this category are spread over in different parts of India, Burma, Nepal and Sri Lanka and are known as the Ahir in the Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat and Rajasthan; the Goalas and Sadgopa in Bengal and Orissa; Gavli and Gopala in Maharashtra; Golla in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka and Idayan and Konar in Tamil Nadu. There are also several sub-regional names such as Thetwar and Rawat in Madhya Pradesh, and Mahakul (Great Family) in Bihar. Two things are common to these cognate castes. Firstly, they claim to be the descendants of the Yadu Dynasty(Yadava) to which Lord Krishna belonged. Secondly, many castes in this category have a set of occupations centering round cattle. The Krishna mythology lends a kind of legitimacy to the pastoral occupations relating to cattle, and as the castes following these occupations are to be found in almost all parts of India, the Yadava category encompasses a whole range of related castes. Besides this mythical origin of the Yadavas, semi-historical and historical evidence exists for equating the Ahirs with the Yadavas. It is argued that the term Ahir comes from Abhira who were once found in different parts of India, and who in several places wielded political power. The Abhiras are equated with Ahirs, Gopas and Gollas, and all of them are considered Yadavas. It is also stated that the Allahabad iron pillar inscription of Samudragupta (fourth century AD) mentions the Abhiras as one of the tribal states of west and south west India. A fourth century AD inscription found in Nashik speaks of an Abhira king and there is proof that in the middle of the fourth century the Abhiras were settled in eastern Rajputana and Malwa. Similarly, when the Kathis arrived in Gujarat in the eighth century, they found the greater part of the country in the possession of the Ahirs. The Mirzapur district of the United Provinces has a tract known as Ahraura, named after the Ahir and another piece of country near Jhansi was called Ahirwar. The Ahirs were also kings of Nepal at the beginning of the Christian era. Khandesh and the Tapti valley were other regions where they were kings. The Gavlis rose to political power in Deogarh, on the Chhindwara Plateau in the central provinces. The Saugar traditions traced down the Gavli supremacy to a much later date, as the tracts of Etawa and Khurai are said to have been governed by the chieftains till the close of the seventeenth century. Some scholars, such as Robert Sewell believe that the rulers of Vijayanagara Empire were Kurubas (also known as Yadavas). Many ruling Rajput clans of India traced their origin to the Yaduvanshi lineage, a major branch of the Chandravanshi Kshatriyas. These include the Banaphars and the Jadejas. The Seuna Yadavas of Devagiri also claimed descent from the clan of Lord Krishna, although various experts have put alternative theories about their origin. Some early inscriptions, dated 1078 and 1090, have implied that the Hoysalas of Mysore were also the descendants of the original Yadava clan, by referring to the Yadava vamsa (clan) as Hoysala vamsa. But there are no records directly linking the Hoysalas to the Yadavas of North India. The founder of the Wodeyar dynasty, Vijaya, also claimed descent from the Yadu and took on the name Yadu-Raya. Legends of the cowherd Krishna and his dances with cowherdesses are mentioned in the Sangam classics. The term Ayarpati (cowherd settlement) is found in Cilappatikaram. It is argued that the term Ayar has been used for the Abhiras in ancient Tamil literature, and V. Kanakasabha Pillai (1904) derives Abhira from the Tamil word Ayir which also means cow. He equates the Ayars with Abhiras, and scholars treat this as evidence of migration of the Abhiras to the south in the first century AD. Many groups and clans claiming descent from the ancient Yadu clan call themselves Yadavs. The major clans among these are: * Ahirs (variously called Ahira and Abhira) are divided into clans called Khanap: o Nandavanshi (descendants of Nanda} o Gwalvanshi (descendants of Holy Gwals) o Dadhor * Behera, Pradhans in Orissa * Bharwad in Gujarath * Bhatrajus (Andhra Pradesh) * Dhangars (in Maharashtra and Karnataka), having 108 clans * Edayar (Tamil Nadu) * Gaurs (also called Goriya, and mentioned in the Mahabharata) * Gawlis * Gadri / Gadariya * Gaddi in Chamb and Kangra districts of Himachal Pradesh. * Golla * Gouda (Orissa) * Jadam * Jambavas * Jadon * Kalchuri * Kone [The Yadava king name] Tamil Nadu * Konars (Tamil: கோனார் in Tamil Nadu and Kerala) * Kurubas or Gollas ( Karnataka) * Krishnauth (claiming direct lineage from Lord Shri Krishna) * Kurubas (Karnataka) * Kondayankotth-Tirunelveli-Tamilnadu * Maniyani (in Kerala) * Manjrauth (linked with Jarasandh) * Mandal & Bhagat (Bihar) * Oraon * Pradhans * Puhanian * Rauts * Sadgops (in Bengal) * Souryasaini * Saini * Surabhirs * Surasena * Taljunghi * Thatte * Yadavas * Yadavulu * Jadeja * Bhati * Banaphar * Servai, Tamil Nadu * Vadukayar, Tiruvnelveli in Tamil Nadu * Deshwal (some city in U.P) Dialects The language of the Ahirs was known as Ahirani in Khandesh, resembling Marathi. While the Ahirs of Kathiawad and Kachh have a dialect which resembles Gujarathi. Abhira bhasha is in fact considered to be Apabhransha. In the ninth century BC, it had become the language of the people, and was spoken from Saurashtra to Magadh, and it has been proved that poetry was composed in this language around the sixth century BC. In addition to the ones above--Gaddi, which is currently the dialect spoken in Gadderan, on the outskirts of the Chamba and Kangra hills and Gandi is spoken in some parts of Madhya Pradesh. Abhiri as a dialect has been recorded by Sanskrit poets such as Bharata and Dandin. The dialect the people of Ahirwal in Haryana speak has a resemblance to Rajasthan. Political Influence Through numerous political parties such as the Samajwadi Party, Rashtriya Janata Dal, Janata Dal (Republic), Janata Dal (Communal) and Makkal Tamil Desam (Tamil Nadu), the Yadavs have considerable political influence, especially in the North Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Notable Yadavs Mythology * LORD KRISHNA * Neminatha, The 22nd Teerthankar of Jains & cousin of Lord Lord Krishna * Vasudeva, father of Lord Krishna * Kartaveerya Arjuna, Emperor of Mahismati, also known as Shasrabahu * Kunti, sister of Vasudeva and mother of Pandavas and Karna * Kansa, a tyrannical king of Mathura, who was killed by Lord Krishna * Ugrasen, the father of Kansa Historical * Kanakadasa * Rao Tula Ram, 1857 Freedom Fighter * Pran Sukh Yadav, fought along with Rao Tula Ram Yadav at Nasibpur Politics * Akhilesh Yadav, Politician * B.P. Mandal, Chairman of Mandal commission and Former Chief Minister of Bihar * Babulal Gaur, Former Chief Minister, Madhya Pradesh * Baleshwar Yadav, Politician * Chandrapal Singh Yadav, Politician * Chitra Lekha Yadav, Politician * Devendra Singh Yadav, Politician * Dharam Pal Yadav, Politician * Dr. Jaswant Singh Yadav, Politician * Giridhari Yadav, Politician * Jay Prakash Narayan Yadav, Politician * Kailash Nath Singh Yadav * Karan Singh Yadav, Politician * Laloo Prasad Yadav, RJD chief * M. Anjan Kumar Yadav, Politician * Mulayam Singh Yadav, Samajwadi Party Chief * Nand Kishore Yadav, Cabinet Minister in Bihar * Pappu Yadav, former RJD Politician * Rabri Devi, former Chief Minister of Bihar & Wife of Laloo Prasad Yadav * Raghu Yadav, Politician * Ram Gopal Yadav, Politician * Ram Kripal Yadav, Politician * Ram Singh Yadav, Politician * Ramakant Yadav, Politician * Rambaran Yadav, Politician * Rao Balbir Singh , Politician * Rao Birender Singh, Former C.M. Haryana * Rao Inderjit Singh, Cabinet Minister * Sadhu Yadav, Politician * Sitaram Yadav, Politician * Suresh Kalmadi, Politician * Umakant Yadav, Politician * Upendra Yadav, Politician Military * Babru Bhan Yadav, Maha Vir Chakra recipient, 1971 Indo-Pak War. * Dr. K Sanjeeva Rayudu Yadav, Capt AMC Army Doctor and Professor of Surgery Indo-China War. * Namdev Jadav, Victoria Cross recipient. * Pran Sukh Yadav, Military Commander in Anglo-Sikh Wars. * Umrao Singh, Victoria Cross recipient, World War II, Burma Front * Yogendra Singh Yadav, Param Vir Chakra recipient, Kargil War. * Lietenant General JBS Yadav, retired as Deputy Chief of Army. Sports * Dharmendra Yadav, Boxer 1990 Commonwealth Medal Winner * Hemulal Yadav, Cricketer * Jai Prakash Yadav, Cricketer * Jyoti Yadav, Cricketer * Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav, India's first individual Olympic medalist * Shivlal Yadav, Cricket player * Vijay Yadav, Cricket player Artists / Writers * Anand Yadav, Marathi writer * Parbhu Dayal Yadav, Artisan * Poonam Yadav, Singer * Raghubir Yadav, Film Actor * Rajendra Yadav, Hindi novelist and Editor of HANS * Rajpal Yadav, Film Actor Others * Dr. Jhillu Singh Yadav, Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad * Dr. M. Gopalakrishna Yadav, Former CMD Indian Bank * Santosh Yadav, Mountain Climber * Swami Ramdev Ji, Yoga Teacher |
References, Useful Books & Websites
1) Srimad Bhagavatam: Translation & Purport by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami, BBT
2) Devagiri Ke Yadav Raj (Hindi)- Author: Shri Raajmal Bora (National Publishing House)
3) "The devine heritage of the Yadavas" by R V Khedkar.
Yaduvansha Ka Itihash- by Dr. Rajbali Pandey,(M.A, D.Lit), Vidyaratna,
Former Prinicipal (College of Indology), B.H.U, Professor &
President, Ancient Indian History & Culture Department, Bhasha Sodh
Sansthan, Jabalpur, University of Jabalpur.
5) Yadawo Ki Bharatiya Itihaash evam Sanskriti Ko Den- By Dr. Rajbali Pandey.
6) The God's of Valour- by Shri S.P Singh
7) Coins of Yadava's- by Dr. R Subhramaniam (Published by Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad- 1965)
8) Yadav Itihaash- Author: Swami Sudhananda Yogi (published by Yadav Kul Dipika, New Delhi)
9) History of Modern Marathi Literature- Author: Shri Govind Chimnaji Bhate
10) People of India: Maharastra (Vol 1)- Author: Kumar Suresh Singh, B.V Bhanu, ASI
11) Yadavs of South India- Author: Dr. J.N Singh Yadav (Historian & Author)
12) Followers of Krishna-Yadvas of India, Author: S.D.S Yadava
13) Yadavs Through the Ages (2 Vol. Set)- Author: Dr. J.N Singh Yadav (Historian & Author)
14) Yadavo Ka Itihash: Adikal Se Madhya Yug Tak- Author: Dr. J.N Singh Yadav (Historian & Author)
15) Yadavo Ka Brihad Itihash: Arambhik Kal Se Bartamaan Kal Tak (2 Vol.)- Author: Dr. J.N Singh
16) Abhiri Bhasaye Ki dantakathaye- Author: Dr. J.N Singh Yadav (Historian & Author)
17) Haihaya Vamsa Ka Nutana Ithihasa: Arambhika Yuga Se Vartaman Kala Taka- Dr J.N Singh Yadav
18) Robin James Moore. Tradition and Politics in South Asia. 1979. Vikas Publishing House
19) People of India: Haryana, Kumar Suresh Singh, Madan Lal Sharma, A. K. Bhatia, ASI.
20) Splitting the difference: gender and myth in ancient Greece and India, Wendy Doniger (1999).
21) The treasury of history, Samuel Maunder (1851).
22) We (Yadavs) are a caste of politicians": Caste and modern politics in a north Indian town", Michelutti, Lucia (February 2004)."
23) Society in India. Mandelbaum, David Goodman (1970), Berkeley: University of California Press.
24) Ancient Nepal, Author: D.R Regmi
25) Mahabharat, Fout Vedas, 18 Puran, 108 Upanishads: Ved Vyas
Below is the list of useful websites. You can also find the list of Krishna ISKCON temples at :
www.krishna.com or www.iskcon.com
www.krishna.com or www.iskcon.com
International society engaged in propogating Bhakti to the Supreme
personality of Godhead Sri Sri Radha Krishna. ISKCON have over 500+
Krishna temples all over the world. Millions of Foreigners have accepted
Krishna Bhakti as their life and soul. They accepted Vedic way of life,
and are pure vegetarians and only eat Krishna prasad (or food which is
offered to Krishna). We advice to visit ISKCON temples and perfect your
life by becoming a pure devotee of Krishna. HARE KRISHNA!
History of Yadavs
Today Yadavs constitutes 20% of India’s population and over 3% of the world population. In terms of sheer numbers this translate into 20 crores or 200 millions. The 20% population of Nepal also consists of Yadavs. 11.5% of Indian business is handled by Yadav's. Yadav's have 423 different type of sub-surname. 14.2 % NRI's are Yadav's. Yadav is the official Surname of 43 countries. Yadav’s are the largest race in the history of the whole world. Out of 223 countries worldwide, there are only 4 countries including India with over 20 crores or 200 million population. It has been truly said that Yadav’s are not merely a community but a “nation” in themselves.
Yadav’s have not only ruled every inch square of this country but have contributed the most in the fields of arts & culture, politics, economics, architecture, history, science, astronomy, martial & military excellence and spirituality. It took a Yadav King Porous to stop the victory march of Alexander. Under the guidance of Yadav Kings of Deogiri, Marathi language and culture blossomed. They ruled whole of the present day Maharashtra, part of Madhya Pradesh and North Karnataka. The Mughal Emperor was so impressed with the beauty, grandeur & the opulence of the Yadava’s Kingdom capital Deogiri- that he wanted to make it the capital of India and his Empire. The rulers of South India (Vijaynagar kingdom), built magnificent palaces, temples which are the one of the world’s heritage sites. Buddhism reached the shores of Japan and China by the efforts of great Yadav Emperor Ashoka- the great.
The national symbol of India (Four Lions) and the Ashoka Chakra is the contribution of a Yadav King. Chandragupta Maurya, with the help of his Minister Chanakya (Kautilya)- ruled all over India & Afghanistan. It was a Yadav blood, which flowed in the body of great Maratha King Shivaji, who defeated the Mughals. Rawal Jaisal founded the city of Jaisalmer. Great Yadav dynasty (Woodiyars) founded the kingdom of Mysore and Tipu Sultan & his father was the courtier. Nepal was founded by the Yadav Kings. All major temples in South India were built by the Yadav Kings. Kalidas was the greatest writer, poet & novelist in the history of the world. The Kohinoor (diamond) was stolen from the vault of a Yadav King of Andhra Pradesh.The 22nd Thirthankar of Jains- Neminath took his birth in Yadav dynasty. The Delhi's Iron pillar was erected by a Yadav King & till date its matter of scientific research. The Nalanda & Vikramshila Universities were contribution of Yadav's (Gupta Dynasty) & flourished under other Yadav ruler's of Pal dynasty of Bengal.
The famous caves of Ajanta and Ellora are the contribution of Yadav king's.
In-spite of a great history and heritage behind us, Yadav’s as a community has not been able to fully use it in the 21st Century. This website is meant for educating and uniting all Yadav’s, so that Yadavs can again have their say and role in the betterment of India and the world as it was just few centuries before.
According to Srimad Bhagavatam- the Bhagavat Maha Puran, which is the conclusion of all the Vedic literature, anyone who hears about the description of Yadav dynasty will be freed from the reaction of sinful activities. This is stated in Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 9 Chapter 23 Verse 19-20. So such is the glory of Yadav dynasty that even the greatest and most sacred scripture- Srimad Bhagavatam tells about it.
So what is it that makes this particular dynasty so glorious? Of course it’s not that the 1st president of Nepal is a Yadav or the Yadav’s have produced the most Chief Ministers in India. Or the most of the India was ruled by the Yadav’s Kings until few centuries ago. Nor the fact that there are 20 crores (200 million) Yadav's living on this planet. Definitely all of it reflects the great achievements and potential of Yadavs but its takes something else to be worth of mentioning in scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam. Why Yadav dynasty is so glorious?
Srimad Bhagavat speaks “O Mahäräja Parikshit, let me now describe the dynasty of Yadu, the eldest son of Mahäräja Yayäti. This description is supremely pious, and it vanquishes the reactions of sinful activities in human society. Simply by hearing this description, one is freed from all sinful reactions. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, the Supersoul in the hearts of all living entities, descended in His original form as a human being in the Yadav dynasty or family of Yadu.( Srimad Bhagavatam 9.23.19-20)”
The Supreme Personality of Godhead Shri Krishna chose to appear in this Yadav dynasty. Lord Krishna is Svayam Bhagavan and He is the source of everything. He is the source of Lord Maha Visnu, Garbodakshayi Visnu and Karnodakshayi Visnu. There is no one equal to Him or greater than Him. Thus the Yadav dynasty became so glorious that even hearing the description of this great dynasty frees one from all sins. So as a member of Yadav community, we all have got this great fortune and responsibility to carry on the legacy. The purpose of this website is to remind all Yadav’s of their great heritage and how we can act in such a responsible manner so that it’s beneficial for all of us as well as for the whole world. Jai Yadav! Jai Radha Madhav.
Padmanabh Swami Temple, Kerala was constructed by Yadav Kings. Recently, the Government found Treasures inside temple worth several Lakhs crores, making the temple the richest temple in the whole world.
Padmanabh Swami- The worshipable Lord of the Yadav's King's of Kerala
Tirupati Balaji (Lord Venkatesh)- worshipable deity of the Yadav Kings.
Tirupati Balaji temple was built by Yadav King's.
There is an attempt by few Christian groups to convert the Yadavs to Christianity. They know that if they are successful in converting this single community then the whole INDIA will become Christian country. They have anyway set the target to make INDIA a Christian country by 2020 and they are very strategically working on it. (Please read more about this in our section “Attack on Yadavs”)
(Please read more about this in our section “Attack on Yadavs”)
So it becomes even more essential to know the Yadav history and preserve the great legacy and great heritage we all have, before it’s too late. I am getting emails from lot of our visitor's & i am happy that how useful this website has become in educating them. I will also like to appeal that one should not feel ashamed for writing Yadav as his surname & will request all the Yadav's to add & write Yadav as the surname in all their documents & official purpose.
I will routinely update the content of this website. We are planning to include “daily yadav” section, where we will discuss the current affairs & issues which are very important to our society. Articles from the readers are welcome and we will publish it on our website.
So please go through the Yadav History thoroughly. Your feedback and comments are most welcome.
Hare Krishna!
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